June 13, 2006

i have never been watching a soccer match in full length all my life. but today i did! together with my two boys, our brasilian friend and his baby boy...
what is happening to me?
i guess one more push on not becomming too american!
trying to get my kids interested in soccer instead of some american "sports" like football, baseball..... is this my still totally european mindset? is this my inner longing to keep european or what the heck is going on with me! i realize i do feel very strong about my kids beeing involved in sports, but it has to be a real sport. to home school it turnes out, is helpful in not running with the crowd and them wanting to do T-ball what ever this is (i never investigated this one bit more, it sounded too much like a starter into baseball).
i don't want to put anyone off, this is just an honest observation of myself, i guess...

June 11, 2006

wie ich doch immer wieder ueberrascht werde wenn joel mir was gefundenes zeigt...
a fun link to a power site!

June 3, 2006

rain rain we love you...
this are probably elias most often sung words int his kind of weather which we experienced quite a bit this spring. he loves the rain, the more it poures the better. as the water from the roof of our neighboring house is draining onto our "grassland". it is more as i like dough it is fun for the kids, especialy elias. the spout is broken and not there anymore, this makes a wonderful waterfall! right after breakfast he put his mudpants and rain jacket on, run outside and was not heard for the next two hours. all the buckets, watering cans, as well as some containers out of the recicling box are now lined up filled to the brink with rain water. "mom make sure nobody dumps the water out!" were his words as he tumbled into the house, all wet and very happy....

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