April 29, 2013

going out with the girl

that's it. no more to say really, we had a great moment together and it was super yummy.

April 26, 2013

{this moment}

A Friday ritual.
A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. Inspired by SouleMama. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.

April 24, 2013

sunshine :: in town

we were in town to get a few errands done, and the weather was just wonderful. we had to sit down and get something refreshing. home made ice tea for me and the others each a scoop of ice creme or sorbet, o spring is in town with us, that's really just wonderful.
and then all of a sudden the beer-horses went by. i didn't know that haldengut is still having their horses deliver beer around town. though fun to watch.
i'm now so ready to just sit some more and enjoy the afternoon in my backyard...

April 23, 2013

echte Schluesselblume

vor zwei Wochen auf dem Markt gepostet und in meinen Garten hinter dem Haus gepflanzt... die echte Schluesselblume.

in den vergangenen Tagen hat sie mir taeglich Freude bereitet, so leuchtend gelb, Mein Schluessel zum Fruehling!

April 22, 2013


yes, that's what we call this time of year, snow and rain! after last week's nice warm, short sleeve weather we are back to lots of rain even snow on saturday, aprilwetter!

i don't mind it too much, as a couple sunny days are giving me lot's of energy to run for a couple cold and rainy ones. we still went out and about, though with wellies and umbrellas! may will be with us soon and with it the arm and sunny weather.
i do hope so, as we are going to celebrate on may 4th.
come on over and enjoy the celebration of our 20 year anniversary of the foundation we work. here more infomation

until then, i brace myself for more of that april-weather and will enjoy and take pleasure in all the little and big sings of spring and bloom in our front yard!

April 19, 2013

{this moment}

A Friday ritual.
A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. Inspired by SouleMama. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.

April 18, 2013

white, wonderful and lofty

it is spring and white feels just so natural. of course we decided that a while back, but now with so much light and so many spring flowers popping up, the white walls in our living room look inviting and seem to call for even more lofty decoration, just a bit, nothing much. it should stay very plain, i feel like...
we will see what the other folks of the house want, that's important and sometimes hard to figure out. though we live in community and we want to feel home, all of us, not just me. i'm ok with that.
the floor is being laid down and should be finished by saturday morning. pics will follow

April 17, 2013

bocce :: the balls

since last summer we have a set of bocce balls. the kids love it and thea often takes the balls out just on her own. as we have summer like temperatures for the past few days, we spend so much time in our yard. thea has totally enjoyed rolling (throwing) the balls in all ways possible. i love to watch her and took the camera out yesterday afternoon.
so here they are a few shots, spring is wonderful, sunshine, i can't say it loud and often enough!
no time for anything else as to walk, linger and do what there is to do, out of doors.

April 16, 2013

a quick sight bevore...

we went to zurich this past sunday. the main reason, to hear the concert of the choir from the gymnasium unterstrass.
o i was wonderful, the grossmuenster the perfect location to listen to such a huge choral project. (that's what they sang, though not them performing). the main focus was cantate 131 "Aus der Tiefen rufe ich, Herr, zu Dir".
it was a build up with a choral, musical interludium, and the whole church was taken over by the voices, starting in the hallways and balcony, building up to sing the center piece in the front. wonderful, experimental and very solid music and singing.
thank you s & c for taking naomi and me along.

the photos have been taken at the "chinderumzug" at this years "sächsilüüte"

April 15, 2013

monday :: sunny monday

 all photos by joel

 a wonderful weekend we all enjoyed. joel the boys and thea went for a bike ride, of course amos was super excited to ride his "new" bike which joel and him bought at the "veloboerse" on saturday. i'm happy too, as he looked like a big mikey mouse on his old bike, which seemed to me, has shrunk... all is well now and he is super happy.
the day lent itself perfectly to do some out of doors activity, sunny and high sixties, who would have thought after freezing temperatures last week. we take it gladly and it is a matter of almost only hours for the tulips to bloom!
not much more to say, really not, as i want to go back outside and get the wonderful dry laundry from the garden. it's the first time this year i hung outside. i love to hang outside as the smell and freshness of air dried laundry is something wonderful.
this for monday. what is your monday bringing you?

April 12, 2013

{this moment)

A Friday ritual.
A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. Inspired by SouleMama. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.

April 10, 2013

nadja :: the shrug

finally i knit the first couple needles on my shrug. i have been wanting to and just didn't do it. so here we are.
a hard start, many times i started with the cast on over and over again. i'm not used to do so, but for some reason i just wasn't able to either concentrate or then it didn't make any sense what i was doing. well i love the wool so there is really no complaining on that side, and what does it matter, i love the piece as seen on quince & co. so there we go, i'm seeing it as a work in progress and learning how to go forward and some undoing and then again doing...
the nadja shrug will be for my own shoulders and right now that's a good motivation to do and undo and do again.

about the living room, the carpet is ripped out, the tiles are being hammered and splintered apart and carried out as i write...

April 9, 2013

april weather::i don't mind you

at least it's not cold anymore...
visiting family and enjoying a ride, thea could not do this without an umbrella. of course a lady needs her umbrella, what do you think mother!
i really didn't mind the rain, we had sunshine twice today and that is a lot. so i'm all happy for the april weather and it's warmer, should not go below 30 within the coming days and nights, a new thing.

April 8, 2013

painting and drawing

all the lamps and furniture has been gone (into the garage)... and my community friends have started to paint, it's going on well and i'm so happy not having to paint the sealing myself, but have people taking on the task with lots of energy. the floor will be taken out next, within the next couple days.

thea of course had to get going with a project too. and painting/drawing is the first she usually asks to do. especially right now with the folks working with paint in our living room. i was a ready for her request, there has been a porcelain painter in my "tool box" for a couple weeks now. we did a bit of discussing what she could draw and then hands on. it's fun to watch her decorating a mug for her godfather. perfect to bring over to his house tomorrow, as it is his birthday.
yes! the timing on this one worked out better than i would have had the guts to imagine. sometimes fate is good with us. and more often going with the ideas being brought to my attention by the kids is just what i need to pay attention and all goes well.

April 5, 2013

{this moment}

A Friday ritual.
A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. Inspired by SouleMama. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.

April 4, 2013

renovating the livingroom

finally we are taking on the task of renovation...
it has been on our minds for a while now, the carpet in the living room has been a mess and a new coat of paint doesn't hurt either. just a couple months ago one of the people living with us tried out the fire place... except he didn't open the chimney damper! and yes the whole house smelled like smoke house for a long time and the living room in particular got a bit blackened. it was not too bad, but we knew that we have to plaint and get to work.
so here we are, stripping down, putting all the furniture into the garage (ha, it's good to not own a car and still have a garage...). one of the community guys has been vaccuming the whole room, sealing and walls..., joel did lot's of scraping at a spot where there was, long ago, a leak from the shower upstairs. and finally i put covered up all the wooden frames and doors.
there will be more to show for i a couple weeks.
the floor will be ripped out by monday and then sanded by a professional. the floor guys will also put down a new bamboo floor.
i know it sounds pretty exotic and it took me a while to decide, but the convenience of a very hard floor which is not tile or stone, as there is no floor heating. carpet was not really an option i considered as we have over a dozen people living in this house, running in and out. the living room has direct access to our garden (sand box, dirt, wood chips and small pebbles).
lets get to work!

April 3, 2013

a springday walk

o we so needed this sunny day. a walk with the family, just outside for a good hour, soaking in all the warmth and sun we could. running and climbing of course were part of our "walk", the boys of course could not hold back and had to drag almost all of us into a race down a a steep meadow. lots of earth on our shoes and of course pants too...
though that is part of a spring walk isn't it...
i'm just glad spring is here. i do think though, that it will be playing i few times more hide and seek with us!

April 2, 2013

the easter days


a few days at my parents, keeping the tradition to colour eggs, play games and go for walks, even in this wet and not so very welcome spring snow.
then on easter morning we celebrated the risen Lord with an easter fire in the woods. no pics of that very special time with our friends. i just could not make myself to take the camera along that early in the morning, still dark and snowing a bikeride up the hill to the neighboring village. it was worth it, absolutely worth it to meet out there around the fire singing a our joy into the very quiet of the woods, songs in thankfulness and joy.
the sunday afternoon was coming, lot's of expectations to play a big game of hide and seek the easter bunnies... fun and everyone was involved a family event we all love.
a wonderful few days with family and friends, good food and this all in the spirit of knowing, that our redeemer is alive.

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