August 30, 2016

the girl and the rooster

i'm absolutely aware of the thea/rooster photo overload. but i really think, joel did a wonderful job in that session and the photos turned out just so pretty and i have to share them.

the rooster has his full and pretty voice now and it just was getting too much for all our neighbors, as we do live in the city and the coop is just a few yards from some peoples bedrooms. so one of my friends made a couple phone calls and our pretty rooster will be moving to a farm in two days. we will miss him and i'm sure all his ladies will do too, but some other people and an other flock of chickens will be enjoying him and his company.

all photos by joel

August 26, 2016

the week :: through the lens

it has been on the back burner, i have not been taking a lot of photos for a while now, and that should change. so i put the "hand made" lens back on the camera body and got started this week. it touched me in a special way, as i wander and have the camera ready be it in the kitchen, or living room table... this enables me to see with new eyes and i like it. we will see if it sticks, it is a start to a new friday review of what caught my eye. there is to be said, that i was inspired by erin boyle and her blog "reading my tea leaves". she does a wonderful job and it is so inspirational to have a look at her photos...

:: 1. a bouquet of forest and field flowers, keeping summer in my house

:: 2. our happy youngest

:: 3. the workshop is being remodeled and a "dremel" has found a happy user

:: 4. photo taken by amos, o my super cool apron, i love "her"

:: 5. the moth visiting in our kitchen (on the bench siding)

August 25, 2016

sun, sand :: after the first lesson

how cool is this, in the middle of the city, they built a sand pit, a little wading pool and two more "green" lounges with sun-umbrellas and sun chairs. of course we could not just walk by....

we had to walk by the first time, as we went to thea's first cello lesson. and we agreed, that we would take a moment after lesson, to check out the water and the sandy area in front of the archhöfe in winterthur. it was just perfect, after the lesson and being very focused, thea really enjoyed it all, while carrying her instrument....

it is still summer. it was hot and sunny and just plain wonderful today.

August 23, 2016

school :: summer days

school started, we are all in and like it. so much excitement by all four kids, even the teenagers, at least that's how it appears to me. of course, new textbooks, new schedules, new workbooks and so many white and unused pages to write and draw on. this all are reasons to be excited. even more though, are new subjects and teachers, new school mates to become friends with. it seems like elias, amos, as well as naomi started very well at their new places and thea is loving it, to be back with her teacher, which she loved all through 1st grade.

i'm super quickly getting used to long mornings again. having breakfast at 6:35am and everyone out of the house close to 8am, makes for lot's of time left in a morning. running and picking flowers, reading and helping a friend to invite er mother for a visit from a country where the mother needs a visa.... (well, we are working on that one with all the additional certificates and letter's of invitation as well as prove of income etc.)

the weather is still summery and it will get really warm again tomorrow, i love it and keep enjoying as much as i can.

August 22, 2016

past time with the chickens...

once in a while joel takes the camera and watches the chicken. so also yesterday and of course there are usually a few very good photos after those moments of focus and play with the camera brought me some lovely pictures. it is pretty nice to see joel observe "his" subjects and meanwhile, thea enjoys the company in the garden, swinging and playing along with the chickens.

we love to see this chickens develop and grow, as we got them from the breeder in may.

all photos by joel

August 19, 2016

the week :: through the lens

it has been on the back burner, i have not been taking a lot of photos for a while now, and that should change. so i put the "hand made" lens back on the camera body and got started this week. it touched me in a special way, as i wander and have the camera ready be it in the kitchen, or living room table... this enables me to see with new eyes and i like it. we will see if it sticks, it is a start to a new friday review of what caught my eye. there is to be said, that i was inspired by erin boyle and her blog "reading my tea leaves". she does a wonderful job and it is so inspirational to have a look at her photos...

:: 1. breakfast out at tibits, once a year, and we love it

:: 2. the home grown flowers in my garden, this was my success!

:: 3. the son picked up my ukulele and is loving it

 :: 4. this is for the fun looks.....

:: 5. happy pancake breakfast was happening

August 18, 2016

at the end of summer

late summer, i have to come to terms with the season. it does slowly sink in, sommer is at it's way out with the full moon of tomorrow it's officially going to say good by!

a piece of land around the corner, passed the library, across from the kindergarden, it has been "empty", and though so rich and full for my eyes. a bit of the urban wild i absolutely enjoy and savor.
that field is wonderful to see the seasons pass, especially the summer turning into autumn. all those dry thistles, the uncut grass and lots of bees and insects whirring and buzzing.

we did the laundry, were able to hang it behind the house and have it dried before the rain poured this afternoon. thankful for it and thankful for the two kids which were at home and helped with all the little and big chores, the music making and cooking. playing cards and ball games. having a dinner table of 14, serving bread pudding and home made vanilla sauce with it. o so very yummy, a perfect meal to enjoy at a rainy summer night. it was so dark already, that we felt like lighting the candles, a sure sine, of days getting shorter again!

August 17, 2016


this is the game, the summer game we have been playing and enjoyin.
easy and fun fo all, taking rounds and in raking is a big job too!
i mostly watch the boys play, lots of expression and concentration, interesting and it is usually quiet and all the involved parties focused.

pure summer, i'm holding on!

August 15, 2016

loving summer

we hopped on our bikes and brought picnic as well as swim trunks along, to the river. found a wonderful little spot with some shade and made a fire. of course first there was lots of swimming and splashing, even jumping into a basin was possible. summer love, i would call the sunday afternoon.
taking along friends and they brought their volley ball, fun to play in the water too. lot's of stones were collectded.
i don't want to have the kids go back to school, i really enjoy the time with them all. i want the freedom to go places to read and craft and cook when we want and what we want. i love summer and the freedom it all brings to my days. one more week, and then i will be all on my own again.
elias already started today, super happy and excited for what's to come. it is fantastic to see him this way, it's going to be good.

August 12, 2016

the week :: through the lens

it has been on the back burner, i have not been taking a lot of photos for a while now, and that should change. so i put the "hand made" lens back on the camera body and got started this week. it touched me in a special way, as i wander and have the camera ready be it in the kitchen, or living room table... this enables me to see with new eyes and i like it. we will see if it sticks, it is a start to a new friday review of what caught my eye. there is to be said, that i was inspired by erin boyle and her blog "reading my tea leaves". she does a wonderful job and it is so inspirational to have a look at her photos...

:: 1. the back for the target quilt 

:: 2. a project started

:: 3. while we helped our friends moving into a new house 

:: 4. the rooster is getting prettier every week

:: 5. and i love the summer sky

August 10, 2016


an other little look back 10 days ago in virpazar, we stood there at the edge of the river, looking out onto the meandering river flowing into lake skadar. it was, we are all clear on this one, a wonderful family vacation and so much fun with the kids.
thinking back, we were very uncertain about the whole kayaking idea, as thea is not really at a paddling age yet and elias can be super focused and speed oriented in contrary to amos. that boy prefers leaser and story telling, even while working.

well it worked out in all kind of pairs. what we did not try was, having elias and naomi in one kayak. it is interesting to say the least, how our youngsters are building up their character. i so love to watch them, those 10 days of family vacation were awesome in this regard too.

thank you my family for taking me along.
i absolutely love you, each and every little and big person in our family.

August 9, 2016

yesterday - summer day

an unsexpected visit by our cousin was marking yesterday.two very happy girls, all day long, playing what ever was popping up in their mind. lots of play with the chickens, swinging and some time indoors, while i was doing loads and loads of laundry, taking advantage of a wonderful sunny day to air some bedding.
it all was like a dream going to bed in a sun filled fashion, this is one of the best things, which can happen to me.
later in the afternoon, we went to a little park and playground near by, as the girls wanted to go there and climb. more fun and i got to read a bit. if you ask me, it was a perfect summer vacation do what you want day and for a perk, i even got the laundry done!

more of those days, please. i would take them all.

August 8, 2016

summer's bounty

the heat and with it the seeds of summer.
i love the scent of dry grass and plants, the summer's glowing heat and withering of plants has something very sobering and sad in it. though never the less it is new life. still appearing in lifeless form, but then again, full of new life.
lot's of shades of gray and brown and yellows, not bright and flashy, but camouflage and hiding. getting ready to be put into fertile soil and bringing forth new life.
there is something about seeds, they come in all forms and shapes and ways to be traveling and put into new ground.

inspiring and so much summer at this moment, i love ti and can't get enough of it.

August 5, 2016

the week :: through the lens

it has been on the back burner, i have not been taking a lot of photos for a while now, and that should change. so i put the "hand made" lens back on the camera body and got started this week. it touched me in a special way, as i wander and have the camera ready be it in the kitchen, or living room table... this enables me to see with new eyes and i like it. we will see if it sticks, it is a start to a new friday review of what caught my eye. there is to be said, that i was inspired by erin boyle and her blog "reading my tea leaves". she does a wonderful job and it is so inspirational to have a look at her photos...

 :: 1. the evening in the castle of kyburg

 :: 2. what a cool sigh

 :: 3. siesta, pause, fresh tomato and cheese with bread

:: 4. purple thorns in their beauty

:: 5. o my boys, i love you!

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