April 22, 2019

the week through the lens

it has been on the back burner, i have not been taking a lot of photos for a while now, and that should change. so i put the "hand made" lens back on the camera body and got started this week. it touched me in a special way, as i wander and have the camera ready be it in the kitchen, or living room table... this enables me to see with new eyes and i like it. we will see if it sticks, it is a start to a new friday review of what caught my eye. there is to be said, that i was inspired by erin boyle and her blog "reading my tea leaves". she does a wonderful job and it is so inspirational to have a look at her photos...

:: 1. it's sprintime and maundy thursday was perfect to dry laundry out of doors

:: 2. as it is tradition, we color eggs on good friday, though this year it was saturday night until we got
        to it

:: 3. and the beet juice made for very nice looking eggs

:: 4. full and open tulips are plenty in most gardens, even in mine

:: 5. easter bells in the garden and on the kitchen table. Christ is risen, Halleluja!

April 12, 2019

the week through the lens

it has been on the back burner, i have not been taking a lot of photos for a while now, and that should change. so i put the "hand made" lens back on the camera body and got started this week. it touched me in a special way, as i wander and have the camera ready be it in the kitchen, or living room table... this enables me to see with new eyes and i like it. we will see if it sticks, it is a start to a new friday review of what caught my eye. there is to be said, that i was inspired by erin boyle and her blog "reading my tea leaves". she does a wonderful job and it is so inspirational to have a look at her photos...

:: 1. rain and shine, it's april

:: 2. house concert, thank you to all three musicians. it was just wonderful!

:: 3. pulled pork sandwiches, it was worth the 7h roast...
:: 4. thyme chees cake, super yummy, topped with honey and thyme, a new thing i tried out

:: 5. and it still is april, with it's blue skies and warming afternoons, running is absolutely enjoyable

April 5, 2019

the week through the lens

it has been on the back burner, i have not been taking a lot of photos for a while now, and that should change. so i put the "hand made" lens back on the camera body and got started this week. it touched me in a special way, as i wander and have the camera ready be it in the kitchen, or living room table... this enables me to see with new eyes and i like it. we will see if it sticks, it is a start to a new friday review of what caught my eye. there is to be said, that i was inspired by erin boyle and her blog "reading my tea leaves". she does a wonderful job and it is so inspirational to have a look at her photos...

:: 1. grilling and loving the sunshine

:: 2. the potatos and onions are in the groung

:: 3. spring bloom, forsythia so much joy

:: 4. a hike with extended family, to the place my mother loved so much as a child and youth

:: 5. and taking the liberty to "sled"

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