June 10, 2014

a long, lovely weekend

a wonderful long weekend it was, we spent it at my parents and did so by biking there and back. a wonderful undertaking, a bit of a challenge it was, for naomi and me, as well as amos. joel and elias have been riding this way many times already, though for the rest of us it was a first. a good first, we can say, a bit hot, as the whole weekend was very warm and super sunny, just plain wonderful. i love the summer s heat, and here in switzerland it is dry heat which is easy and enjoyable. lot's of leisure time, any cool and refreshing drinks and desserts was just such a wonderful thing for all the kids (and of course me too).

playing and whip-stitching....
picnicking and being family. the elder flowers are all in full bloom and so we also picked a big bucket of them. some of them will be dried to be used during winter times and an other bunch was soaked in sweet cider, those are steeping now for liquor. i'm looking forward to this one and am also very curious how it will all work out.

the evenings are long now and wonderful to sit and enjoy behind the house. a good time to watch the moon!

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