May 9, 2016

new chickens

for the past week we are happy and proud chicken watchers...
we got three different kind of week old chicks, as it turned out different then i planned. i heard back from our amarock breeder, that her chickens were not hatching as planned, so she had no chicks for us. this was a bit of a bummer, as i ordered 5 appenzeller barthhühner to be put together with the the amarock. well it turned out, that the barthühner breeder had three "gold tupf" as well as "schweizer hühner".
i'm happy and we watch them almost day and night.
for right now, they are installed in a guinea pic cache in our living room, with a warming lamp. i was a bit nervous about our lovely old cat, but he doesn't mind and has not attacked them once.

lots of fresh water and they are super hungry at all times..., didn't know that about chicks, but of course they have to grow.
of course we don't know how many of them are roosters, we will learn this in a few more weeks, when the feathers are grown in as well as their voices developing...
it is a wonderful adventure and i'm sure many more ahead.

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