May 17, 2017

poppies popping in my neighbors garden

my neighbor has a patch of poppies, i absolutely love it. it is right in front of my kitchen window. not super close, but it's well in sight. and just those past few days there has been a quick development.
for the past weeks it was really just the green plants springing up and as soon as the sun started to warm the days a bit more, they grew rapidly into almost one yard high stalks and leafs.
a wonderful observation, so spring like, it took my breath away and i had to walk over and take a few pictures...

popping poppies, perfect to look at.
those pictures where all taken in the evening hours, after supper. i will try to remember to take a few photos in the morning or late afternoon, when there is direct sun light. it will be a bit of a tricky, very bright situation, but never the less, i will give it a try and see what happens with it. maybe and that's what i'm hoping for, i get those red pedals in their whole fragility, we will see...

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