December 5, 2017

first snow

it is a bit delayed; the feeling is still with me though, we had our first snow for this winter and it was a nice dusting last friday. good enough for a porridge breakfast, which almost everyone loves. it is just joel, who doesn't like the "morning mush". the kids love it, especially as each one chooses their own toping to add and enjoy.
i'm an absolute porridge lover and in the cold of winter it is likely to be the best thing happening to my early morning, cooking poridge and warming up with that wonderful sweet taste of maple syrup. The favorite for most of us is a good helping of cinnamon sugar... (and there too, i mix it myself and use unrefined cane sugar as well as organic fair trade cinnamon).

And today, the snow was melting quick, it was dripping all around the house. i took the convenience of it all and put the pine branches (elias and thea were in the woods to cut branches from a fallen tree, on saturday) on the bare flower beds in front of the house. and later on, when my parents visited, went out into the garden to cut some branches small and mid size, from the evergreen bush, so my advents candles have got some green added. and that really made me happy today!

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