December 30, 2018

finishing up the year

the year is on it's last leg, or better arriving at it's peak...
it is not really this or that, but i decided to look back a bit and try to put it into a few words. not very elaborate or eloquent, just rambling along. as i'm sitting down and keep on breathing, it's not a question of life or death, it's the moment of being still and take it all in now.

as i work through many struggles, and i don’t give up. i work hard to learn from made mistakes. if there’s something i really want to do, i work to stick with it.
i’ve found that, more often than not, from every failed attempt, there’s something of value to take away. i hope to model resilience for my children,with my efforts to persevere.

most everything i do helps me, to stay balanced — and also brings me joy.
this is true for the past year and will still stick with me in the coming year. and so i decide in the spur of the moment, that i don't tally up my list of 2018. (you can look at it, and i do so too, in the mid year "list poste". and with this i close the year, glad for all of it and grateful for the learning experiences i got.

December 28, 2018

the week through the lens

it has been on the back burner, i have not been taking a lot of photos for a while now, and that should change. so i put the "hand made" lens back on the camera body and got started this week. it touched me in a special way, as i wander and have the camera ready be it in the kitchen, or living room table... this enables me to see with new eyes and i like it. we will see if it sticks, it is a start to a new friday review of what caught my eye. there is to be said, that i was inspired by erin boyle and her blog "reading my tea leaves". she does a wonderful job and it is so inspirational to have a look at her photos...

:: 1. the wished for mittens, done and on his hands

:: 2. the new game, played over and over again -azul-

:: 3. lots of fogy nights make for wonderful christals

:: 4. the sun is setting and it's just so pretty to watch

:: 5. how much fun to find an old broken trumpet and bringing new life to it!

December 21, 2018

the week through the lens

it has been on the back burner, i have not been taking a lot of photos for a while now, and that should change. so i put the "hand made" lens back on the camera body and got started this week. it touched me in a special way, as i wander and have the camera ready be it in the kitchen, or living room table... this enables me to see with new eyes and i like it. we will see if it sticks, it is a start to a new friday review of what caught my eye. there is to be said, that i was inspired by erin boyle and her blog "reading my tea leaves". she does a wonderful job and it is so inspirational to have a look at her photos...

:: 1. starting the week with a wonderful bouquet, a seasonal joy fitting my retro vase...

:: 2. early in the week we had a bit of snow.

:: 3. followed by some frosty mornings.

:: 4. an advents concert put on by my friend and her childrens choir and a few wonderful musicians.
       it was wonderful and the whole family attended, which made it even more special.

:: 5. thea and i had to kill time at a train station, she discovered the photo booth!

December 14, 2018

the week through the lens

it has been on the back burner, i have not been taking a lot of photos for a while now, and that should change. so i put the "hand made" lens back on the camera body and got started this week. it touched me in a special way, as i wander and have the camera ready be it in the kitchen, or living room table... this enables me to see with new eyes and i like it. we will see if it sticks, it is a start to a new friday review of what caught my eye. there is to be said, that i was inspired by erin boyle and her blog "reading my tea leaves". she does a wonderful job and it is so inspirational to have a look at her photos...

:: 1. the morning star greeting me to start the day.

:: 2. after running and enjoying the sun rise, coming home and loving the red berries.

:: 3. this years advents window, at twilight. i love the simplicity of it.

:: 4. lots of wonderful winter vegetables, this one is a fennel salad.

:: 5. and then there is all the cookie baking, cinnamon, chocolate, all spice, lemon, and much more
       smells wander throug the house.

December 7, 2018

the week through the lens

it has been on the back burner, i have not been taking a lot of photos for a while now, and that should change. so i put the "hand made" lens back on the camera body and got started this week. it touched me in a special way, as i wander and have the camera ready be it in the kitchen, or living room table... this enables me to see with new eyes and i like it. we will see if it sticks, it is a start to a new friday review of what caught my eye. there is to be said, that i was inspired by erin boyle and her blog "reading my tea leaves". she does a wonderful job and it is so inspirational to have a look at her photos...

:: 1. the first week of advent, we lit the candle of hope
:: 2. my advents present, a book to look deeper into fermenting

:: 3. the first hellebore are in bloom in our garden, seems like the weather is too warm, as they
       are supposed to be in bloom later in the year.

:: 4. and i'm in the middle of teaching a class of fourth graders. guess what we were working on....

:: 5. somehow i managed to bake "gritibenzen" just in time for st. niklaus day!

November 30, 2018

the week through the lens

it has been on the back burner, i have not been taking a lot of photos for a while now, and that should change. so i put the "hand made" lens back on the camera body and got started this week. it touched me in a special way, as i wander and have the camera ready be it in the kitchen, or living room table... this enables me to see with new eyes and i like it. we will see if it sticks, it is a start to a new friday review of what caught my eye. there is to be said, that i was inspired by erin boyle and her blog "reading my tea leaves". she does a wonderful job and it is so inspirational to have a look at her photos...

:: 1. dinner with my in laws, festive and seasonal, home cooked and happy to have guests

:: 2. end of year present by joel's employer, what a nice gift

 :: 3. some wintery flowers, they brighten up the droopy out doors

:. 4. an other bonbon is on the needles

:: 5. the communities advents card, so very happy about my friends design...
       as you open it up, all four advents candels are printed, thank you t

November 23, 2018

the week through the lens

it has been on the back burner, i have not been taking a lot of photos for a while now, and that should change. so i put the "hand made" lens back on the camera body and got started this week. it touched me in a special way, as i wander and have the camera ready be it in the kitchen, or living room table... this enables me to see with new eyes and i like it. we will see if it sticks, it is a start to a new friday review of what caught my eye. there is to be said, that i was inspired by erin boyle and her blog "reading my tea leaves". she does a wonderful job and it is so inspirational to have a look at her photos...

:: 1. the days have become fogy

:: 2. the "rindermarkt" in zürich at thursdays festival of lights

:: 3. like every year, an early start with my imigrant friends, baking christmas cookies

:: 4. the joy of november orchids

:: 5. and this package of clementines made my week turn upside down. a little dance was performed
       the littlest of the family took a whole bag of those wonderful fruit along for all her school mates
      and teachers!

November 16, 2018

the week :: through the lens

so there is not even a corrrect "the week :: through the lens", as my life looks more like this picture... lots of constructionsites. although the room in the picture is all renovated and ready for our guest tonight, as planned. thank you to my house mate and hard working friend! he painted the room, pulled out the carpet which otherwise, would have been on my to do list...
the religion class i taught today was watched by my mentor and it went soso-lala, still ok, but lot's to improve. she was kind and attested, that the core is perfectly fine and the teaching goals are fine, to improve are mainly timing and that i should pack the lessonplan less tight. she was gracious and i will do better next week.
for today, on to the next activity on my list, get my neighbors car to pick up beer and other beverages for the converence tomorrow. instruct a group of volunteers to bottle local water and label it as such. and so many more things, which are not even on my list right now. i feel like that converence is an overwhealming construction site occupying a lot of my attention and energy. and it will be done by tomorrow night.

so, this is it, enjoy a blessed weekend. and a big thank you to my family and friends, helping out at all kinds of tasks, like bottling local tap water...

November 9, 2018

the week through the lens

it has been on the back burner, i have not been taking a lot of photos for a while now, and that should change. so i put the "hand made" lens back on the camera body and got started this week. it touched me in a special way, as i wander and have the camera ready be it in the kitchen, or living room table... this enables me to see with new eyes and i like it. we will see if it sticks, it is a start to a new friday review of what caught my eye. there is to be said, that i was inspired by erin boyle and her blog "reading my tea leaves". she does a wonderful job and it is so inspirational to have a look at her photos...

:: 1. the carrying, the library ordered the book and i was the first one checking it out...

:: 2. some wonderful glowing cotoneaster around our house is lighten up the gray start of the week.

:: 3. the white chicken is changing it's dress.

:: 4. in the spurt of finishing of a sunny friday afternoon, i managed to take the compost out.

:: 5. one of our bedrooms is getting a new wall covering, after taking down the old one. by the end of
       next week, there will be a new carpet put in too.

November 2, 2018

the week through the lens

it has been on the back burner, i have not been taking a lot of photos for a while now, and that should change. so i put the "hand made" lens back on the camera body and got started this week. it touched me in a special way, as i wander and have the camera ready be it in the kitchen, or living room table... this enables me to see with new eyes and i like it. we will see if it sticks, it is a start to a new friday review of what caught my eye. there is to be said, that i was inspired by erin boyle and her blog "reading my tea leaves". she does a wonderful job and it is so inspirational to have a look at her photos...

:: 1. a got a new raincoat... (from the second hand shop)

:: 2. my new shirt, i love it (also from the second hand)

:: 3. the fall cutting is done on our geraniums

:: 4. green tomatoes, i love them to make some more chuttney

:: 5. it's time for a little candle light

November 1, 2018

toss up and shuffling around

i was kind of locked up this morning. i'm in my last year for my religous-education degree. and part of this last year is practical experience with lots and lots of reflection. not just me reflecting my teaching lessons, but also within a group setting. i'm absolutely aware how it sounds, when i say; we are eight ladies, all in their first few years of teaching primary school kids in a semi voluntairy classroom setting (for the kids it is kids and their parents it is up to them, if they want to come and be thaught in christian formation/katechism).
i do understand the importance and also setting safe setting it is, to help each other through difficult classroom situations. still, for me it is a very challangeing setting being "locked up" for 3 hours. especially today, as the morning started out so wonderfully sunny, after 4 days of rain and fog and overcast. i managed and was so very happy to get out and running this afternoon.
yes, running i was, after 12 days of not doing so. i feel physically fit again, just getting the strength back from curing a cold with a migrane and stuffed sinuses. i'm back alife and happy, able to use my body again.

this said, i also am tossing up and shuflling around a few things in my life. a bit more teaching and advent season approaching, i still want to be able to get some sewing and knitting done. i have not been able to give those tasks a good alottement of time. and so, i decided, while in the woods this afternoon. i need to step back a bit from my "virtual" world. it is now lightly said, it even takes me some second thoughts writing this down. there have been so many memories written on these pages, right here. but i stick with my decision, there will be "the week :: through the lens" on fridays, but everything else is tossed up.
i'm a bit curious myself, of how many days i will keep posting....

October 31, 2018

the recycler and so much more

what a happy guy, he is full of energy and takes on what ever i tell him to. no, not true, he initiates all kinds of projects and cleans up the garage, besides making the garden ready for winter. collecting all the last apples from the tree behind the house (cooked apples for dinner). he is going to paint and renovate the room, after a room mate is moving out tomorrow. have you ever wished for a handy man, working for you, even enjoying all the work you find in the darkest corners of the house? i got the guy, such a blessing.
and he makes me laugh, he does it all with a big smile and with his bike, o so green and full of happiness.

thank you w!

October 30, 2018

the package

as october is just finishing up, my thoughts are starting to wind up...
there are a short four weeks left until we get all reeled into advent season. a time i love and cherish. a time of celebration and expectation, waiting and hoping, enjoying long evenings with stories and candle light. maybe i will be able to plan for some still and contemplation in all the preparations.
but for now, it is the one package, which travels across continents, to a place where the mail delivery is not very reliable, and that is exactly the reason, to send it out early!
o dear friends down south, we miss you and wrapping up a few little presents and tokens of friendship, i'm all immersed with shared memories. stories of hiking, dying our hair with henna (well that was super fun!), spending hours talking and sharing and praying.
our kids are not little anymore, the then tree climbing and rambunctious boys are now grown, young man making their own decisions.
though the youngest are still in the house, very much still needing parental care and attention, bet time stories and consolation. thank you for being still friends.
especially, as we are so very far appart!

there are definitely more people in my life to which i want to send a package or a hand written letter. i'm sure, in a few more days the list writing is starting and my thoughts will be spinning and i will enjoy that time. we are far appart, but i'm close in thought.

October 26, 2018

the week :: through the lens

it has been on the back burner, i have not been taking a lot of photos for a while now, and that should change. so i put the "hand made" lens back on the camera body and got started this week. it touched me in a special way, as i wander and have the camera ready be it in the kitchen, or living room table... this enables me to see with new eyes and i like it. we will see if it sticks, it is a start to a new friday review of what caught my eye. there is to be said, that i was inspired by erin boyle and her blog "reading my tea leaves". she does a wonderful job and it is so inspirational to have a look at her photos...

:: 1. i splurged on fabrics...

:: 2. the last of the red beauty

:: 3. i had a gardener at work around the house

:: 4. and it is the right time to ready my garden for winter, how perfect.

 :: 5. and deep dish apple pie has become so very popular i feel like i have become a professional