April 23, 2014

our easter days

it's just about a week since i posted the last time....
we enjoyed a wonderful maundy thursday dinner with our brothers and sisters in the neighborhood and yes we had snow too, quiet a bit. it was cold and just a good friday to hover and stay put. we decided not to go out and not to dig for pretty little flowers and grasses to decorate the easter eggs. instead we used rubber bands and tape. for natural colouring we cooked up a bunch of dried malva flowers, with the hope to get some kind of green/gray colour. i was all excited and really liked the different kind of colour for easter. the kids did not!

and that's why we got out the felt markers, just go with what ever the fancy struck. and the result was even more striking. such a wonderful combination to the easter table which we enjoyed for breakfast. a lot of time with our extended family, visits at my brothers farm and just having a wonderful time, celebrating the risen lord, jesus christ.

1 comment:

Wendy McDonagh-Valentine said...

I love how your eggs turned out. Especially the polka dotted ones!! Happy belated Easter to you and your family. : )

~ Wendy