August 11, 2015

in the garden

with summer still going strong and hot, the garden is in full swing. not that we have any vegetables, but some berries and some flowers and as you can see some days we all enjoy the work...
there is one particular corner in the garden which has been over grown with very strong weeds, pulling them once earlier in the season, really didn't do anything. and then a friend took the time to really get at the root of those weeds, and a week later, there was all of a sudden, everyone in the garden, pulling and digging, planting and having a blast!
we loved it and enjoyed the company of one another while working and o'boy we really got that corner in good shape. some new rhubarb plants have been put in, the peppermint has been put into a pot into the ground (so it will not overgrow everything).
the vines have been taken care of again and now we look forward to harvest grapes, tomatoes and next spring, for sure there will be rhubarb. meantime mint for tea, the chives got some fresh space and everyone had a good time.

the balck berries are not many persons favorite, good for me, as i do love them. so far i mostly eat them right from the bush after my morning runs, they are delicious. it might be, that walking by after a run, with a dry mouth and thirsty just does the trick, as the berries are not of the super sweet sort.
but to my surprise, this old blackberry bramble is growing each year, unexpectedly large. one more thing i'm thankful for, as there is not a lot of care taking, just harvesting and enjoying.

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