January 7, 2016

morning :: star

the 12 days of christmas are past, epiphany was yesterday and we have arrived in the new year, calling it 2016. the days of "in between" went by quickly, i felt they could have stuck with me for a tad bit longer. we spent wonderful and recharging in-between days at montmirail and i knew it would hit hard upon coming home. the list was dense and guests from abroad where arriving just a couple hours after our arrival at home. a new person moving in at our community house and of course there was laundry..... there was a community meeting which meant, that i had to prepare food for 20 people within a day and monday was back to school.

this might explain the emptiness here...

but i'm recharged and very happy writing a few lines here. i so very much enjoyed soule mama's photo poste of 2015, 2016  and so i'm tempted to spend a moment reviewing the photos of my past year... maybe, it just seems such a neat project and would make for a great moment of laughing and enjoying with who ever is lurking over my shoulders.
with all this said, i will take a moment to drink a cup of chai and tend my knitting now, it's thursday afternoon after all!

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