January 1, 2016

the 1st

the new year started and this with a great sunny morning, away from home. it has been a tradition, since we are back in switzerland, we spend the "in between" time at montmirail with the community of doncamillo.

:: playing a game of dominos with thea ::
back typing, as the kids ran outside to play floor ball, i played with them two days ago and used muscles i have not been using for a while, and i loved it. and i still feel it and love it. to feel muscles in my body and knowing by this all that i'm fully alive.
leisurely starting this year and anticipating what it all has to offer, savoring the moment as it is. looking out the window into the world, into a waiting world, i just have to embrace it. get dressed warmly and walk out into it. going for a walk a short run or just open the window and breath that fresh and clean air. i'm going to do this, wanting to take it all in and joyfully doing so.

:: a 30 min. run in the sunshine, all on my own ::
i call this a good start into the new year. and i'm certain a wonderful festive dinner tonight followed by music is about the best what is happening to me today.

:: thank you God ::

1 comment:

Wendy McDonagh-Valentine said...

I wish you and your family a very happy and healthy new year!! : )

~ Wendy xo