October 26, 2017

pretty vegetables

and yet they are not just good to look at, they are already smelling deliciouse while preparing. i frequently get "old" vegetables from a retale store near my parents and those verggies usually don't look supper nice anymore. but you can say what you want, they still look great and smell ripe and ready to be put on the table.
i love vegetable stews, the kids not really.... but still i cook them and over a wonderful dish of basmati rice, that stew last night was deliciouse. fresh basel, soaked chick peas, corn cut from the cob, i think it can't get much better. the kids though, they topped the dinner stew with a big spoon or two or three of grated cheese. well, it's alright, if this makes them eat and like it, then let them do it as much as they want!

and of course, you don't see them, there is a bunch of fresh little onions and three cloves of garlic. all of it already glazing in olive oil...

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