we were not really planing to watch the opening game of the european soccer championship in basel. after a phone conversation with my brother, who told me how they are all getting ready in front of the tv to watch the opening game of the i guess now they call it uefa euro 2008. the 4 year old wearing the swiss soccer uniform, the 6 year old daughter waving the swiss flag into everyones face, and himself wearing a swiss cap! i guess it could not have gotten more exciting and so we figured it could not hurt to check espn's listing of their broadcast...
and sure there it was, switzerland:czech republic! so we ended up watching the whole thing....
opening ceremony, which was hilarious but still fun to watch and the game seems to entertain our boys. even though they have never watched pro sport soccer.
i'm glad we get to enjoy a bit of the fun the swiss are having now. but we do miss out on the swiss soccer uniforms, the kids would have loved to dress up and cheer in them. to bad, but they are just not available in the us!
to me it is very interesting to see, as our boys call them selfs american's. they argue, that this is the country they were born and that's what counts. fine with me, but....
yes there is that thing of dual citizenship! yes you guys are swiss too! it's not just a yearly 4 week vacation land...
we will see if it helps for them to bond with our homeland over soccer!
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