January 4, 2018

playing games...

it already started right after breakfast. and we had early breakfast, as elias and joel went to work and amos felt like working too, so he got up for the breakfast at 7am. thea too, which surprised me a bit. never mind, it was nice to have company for the first meal of the day.
and then it went right on, thea and amos started their game of monopoly before it was 8am. i was astonished to say the least, but of course i absolutely encouraged them in their play. served some more tea and a cookie for a treat as the game went on and on...

and the same after lunch. of course i also played with thea, introduced her to the board game called "halali". we played it frequently with elias, there is a bit of strategie and of course some luck involved. she quickly got the hang of it and then had to play a few more rounds after lunch.

as you might think, we had a droopy day, not cold and no snow, but rain and rain and wind. no reason to go outside, not even i made it for my run. instead i went to the basement, did 5 loads of laundry and also 30 minutes of rowing on the machine...
(not my favorite, but maybe january is rowing month)

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