April 2, 2012

sanding and spray painting...

elias is moving into his "new" room, we call it the room with a beam. it's small and has a beam going through in the middle of the room. there are two windows, though they are both skylights. he is fine with it, and most happy as the room is also having a set up sink, and mirror...
and so he decided that he wanted a white night stand, book shelf and desk. we will see what we can do. so far with a bit parental guidance and help he managed to sand the night stand and then use up three old cans of white spray paint. yea! i was happy about that one. not usually my thing the spray painting, but better using up old stuff than having to bring them to a recycling place somewhere across town. the can's were still from the former tenants of the house...
there is more to be done, the book shelf is sanded and now awaiting to be painted/sprayed.
an other item on our to do list is, to go thrifting for some kind of smaller  closet for his cloths. if things go his way, it will be a white one... (or made white by us).

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