June 3, 2013

the books we read

once a year it has become a ritual, i take note what everyone is reading. it's just a moments capture, there is lot's of reading going on all the time. most of the time, as some days do pass without picking up any books for some of us. although those days are rare, except one of the family is preferring the news paper above books... here and here are past years book piles.

this is thea's pile, not that she is reading already, but if you would ask her, of course she is reading and loving the books. most of all the barbapapa family has been capturing her attention, every week a new one is being carried home from the library. an other discovery have been the tiptoi books, a kind of "talking"-books

our third grader doesn't really enjoy to read the englishh books, that's why i read to her as often as i can. we both love the laura ingalls wilder stories. and then of course there is a good pile of shorter chapter books. what's not on the book pile here, naomi loves to look at the anatomy atlas with joel...

amos our self declared bookworm is reading at any moment of the day, he would be reading while eating dinner with us at the table. there is no leaving the house without a book in his hand (or bag). recently he discovered the c't-magazin, a magazin about computer tech. and then you might also spot the french comics, a fun way to enjoy french, he loves them. i do not know yet, if it is because of the language or the drawings, we will see.

and here the news paper reading boy. sports is the first, and then on with any kinds of stories from around the world.

doing a bit of sewing is leading to more reading and looking at inspiring books with quick projects this and this and those. and then again and again, i open the book for daily prayers. the "deus adest: gott ist da", by thomas harry is not very traditional and i'm not certain if i like it or not, there is still the common book of prayer on my desk too. the familiar one good at any time to sit still and pray.
ireland is our vacation destination in july, joel and i will be venturing over, to make music (at least joel will do so) and look at monasteries, ruins and wonderful landscape. (anyone having suggestions what we should not miss?)

one big and fat book for joel. he is reading a lot anyway, most of it online though...

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