October 16, 2018


 and this marbled cake, which thea and i baked yesterday, got us started on todays project. thea wanted to bake some kind of colorful cake, it had to be something with food colors....
as you might expect, i'm not a big fan of artificial food coloring. but, i went along with the girls idea and we decided on blue. well, blue turns out to become green, very pale but still exciting enough and that is what counts.

for today was some paper marbling on the agenda:

it's fall vacation and we are home and around the house. wonderful sunny days, the afternoons are nice and warm. good times to work on any kind of craft in the garden. and so we went about the task, we came up with yesterday, while baking cake. "marbled paper" it seemed easy enough and i still had some oil paints in my cupboard (from a life before kids). marbling is done in different ways, with different paints, with acrylic paint and shaving creme!

it was a good start, but our diluted oil paint was not behaving the way i thought and hoped for...
never the less, we got a few good results and for what we plan to use the paper, it's all perfect. maybe the two of us will experiment with an other paint thinner, as i think that was the problem. maybe not as high of a viscosity as we ended up with. lets see tomorrow.

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