getting ready is a big part of our advent evenings. lighting candles, finding the right spot to sit down. of course that often is a bit of a scramble, there are the preferred seats, and the two lamb skins to be placed just right...
but usually within a few minutes we are all settled and listening to the story about lukas. (a boy living in bethlehem 2000 years ago)
and then this, i got my advents gift yesterday!!!
guess what, yes a flash for my camera, it's working fine as you can see.
there are just two pockets left for us to empty, they both were filled by amos. this year has been the first, that the kids were helping with putting little gifts into the 24 advent pockets. especially amos was fond of doing so. i love how our advents tradition change and grow with the kids. it is a surprise and a gift to see their way of participation, growing and understanding.
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