the boys really wanted to buy the lego advents calendar.... i felt like we have so many lego's already and we could get creative ourselves for an advents project. that's how it all started.
i found an old scarf and some pieces of linen, which originally were intended to become something else (more in the realm of needle work, which i'm not very much into), i got a big stash of those kind of old kit's from a friend's mom. cutting some of them appart they were just the right size to sew pockets for our project.
from an other friend i got these really nice "fabric fun" pastells, and the stencle was a quick print and cut out...
a week later i'm done and very happy with the result, the calendar will be hung and filled by all family members and we will figure out who gets to empty which pocket, in order for the surprises to work out and hopefully no unpleasant surprises of getting you own filled pocket will be made.
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