August 24, 2018

the week through the lens

 it has been on the back burner, i have not been taking a lot of photos for a while now, and that should change. so i put the "hand made" lens back on the camera body and got started this week. it touched me in a special way, as i wander and have the camera ready be it in the kitchen, or living room table... this enables me to see with new eyes and i like it. we will see if it sticks, it is a start to a new friday review of what caught my eye. there is to be said, that i was inspired by erin boyle and her blog "reading my tea leaves". she does a wonderful job and it is so inspirational to have a look at her photos...

:: 1. a batch home made m&m's cookies, baked to perfection by naomi

:: 2. a quick stool pillow, as the metal felt very cold to sit on, even though it still is kind of warm and a cool down is usually welcomed.

:: 3. community dinner, home made foccacia and every thing yummy to stuff them with

:: 4. the 16 circles are all done and ironed

:: 5. a late evening competition of puzzle cubes...

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