November 9, 2017

mini apple pies

after a somewhat busy morning, i felt like taking the time to bake has come this afternoon. and the season of apple pie is upon us. it was wonderful to make a crust. every time the kitchen machine is crumbling up the butter and mixing it with the flour and salt, while adding some ice water, it is fun to watch how it all comes together so smoothly marbled.
cutting apples and adding the spices never goes by without me tasting not just a few apple cubes but there has to be a lot "left over" as i absolutely delight that taste of spiced apples. usually i use cinnamon, vanilla sugar, allspice and ground clove. and as it turnes out, i sipped on my black tea while finishing up the "left over" apples, the kids where not home yet some classical music was playing in the back ground and sitting on the counter, with the mini pies all in the oven, i savoured the moment.
yup those moments stay with me, not just tonight but i hang on to them. especially while the speed of november is picking up around me and i want to stay calm, be still at moments when it all threatens to tumble over and around me.

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