March 9, 2011

sunshine and lots being done

there has been such a wonderful sunny and warm day here, i just didn't take any photos...
work has been done around the house
::the garden bed in the front of the house has been filled with new top soil
::10 wheel barrows of top soil have been wheeled to the back of the house
::elias bike is all set for the bike inspector at school sometime in april, new brake pads and lots of cleaning o yes and there will be a "velo pruefung" for every 5th grader in the city of winterthur...
::joel's bike got a bit of care taking too
::thea rode her first few strides of her new like a bike (which i was able to purchase for half price)
::there are holes being dug out in our garden... no idea of their purpose, but kids minds are set on more digging

and there will be more work being done tomorrow, lots of bulbs will be put into the garden bed in front...
on friday is market day, i will be on the lookout for a hydrangea and raspberry plants...

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