June 5, 2015

rhubarb & sugar

it's rhubarb season and we have really enjoyed a lot of rhubarb so far. the girls came up with a new idea of eating rhubarb, fresh raw sticks covered in sugar!
i guess if you like sour, and top it with sugar, it must be one of the best treats. the both of them anyway, did enjoy every moment of the mid afternoon snack. they got the stalks from a neighbor and the idea of adding sugar was quickly popping up. i'm glad, we have the opportunity to try out new fruit, or is rhubar a vegetable? here is the answer, it's a vegetable.
as i bought a plant last year, that one is not big enough yet to harvest stalks. i also tried to sow them, and yes it worked, i ended up with 12 plants, which i mostly gave away, the 4 little plants, which i still have in pots, i will plant and hope that they will get strong and well into producing stalks for consumption by next year.

1 comment:

Autumn said...

hello there.

i can't imagine eating rhubarb raw! haha
have you ever made rhubarb crumble? very British, I learnt to love rhubarb because of it.